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Meet the Committee

Our committee are the backbone of the society, without whom our events would not be able to function.


We have dedicated teams for intervarsity competitions, show debates, social events and welfare. In addition, we have our admin team and, of course, our Presidential Team.

Presidential Team

With a variety of experiences within the Debating society, our Presidents support each department using their unique knowledge and expertise. As the faces of our society, they lead us towards accessible debate and open discussion.

Admin Team

Our admin team are responsible for maintaining society finances, technology and our social media platforms. Often behind the scenes, our team help the society run smoothly and efficiently. 

Welfare Team

Our welfare team are available to support our society and provide vital signposting to the assistance that our members need. Kind and friendly faces, they ensure a safe and welcoming atmosphere is maintained within the society. 

Socials Team

From regular weekly socials to our outstanding end of term balls, the socials team are tasked with created entertaining events for all members. With a variety of social events on offer, there is something for everyone. 

Show Debates Team

Charged with the creation and running of our infamous show debates, our team bring together speakers from all walks of life to provide thrilling debates for our members. From supreme court judges to experts on defence, our debates are not an event to miss.

Intervarsity Team

Our IV team take the lead when it comes to British Parliamentary debate. They help us compete at competitions across the country, as well as training us in how to debate in our Exeter-based workshops. 


Open Debate, Independent Thinking, Free Expression

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The University of Exeter Debating Society


Exeter Guild

Devonshire House

Stocker Road




© 2024 by The University of Exeter Debating Society. 


Open Debate, Independent Thinking, Free Expression

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